By creating a Regional Conservation Investment Strategy (RCIS) plan that complements groundwater sustainability plans in the region, the Kaweah RCIS Steering Committee will develop a vision of an integrated landscape that supports the local agricultural economy and important wildlife habitat, while sustainably managing water supplies. The Kaweah RCIS will:
- Set ecological goals and identify strategies to achieve them.
- Provide access to funding for land repurposing, which may help reduce the net costs of cutting groundwater use.
- Help reduce negative impacts of taking land out of production, such as lower regional revenue, soil erosion, and impaired air quality.
- Prioritize conservation benefits that align with the groundwater management strategies in regional GSPs.
- Create opportunities for community benefits, such as recreational spaces.
- Support landowners in the beginning stages of SGMA implementation.
The Kaweah RCIS Region
The RCIS Area covers the Kaweah Groundwater Subbasin (Kaweah Subbasin) of the San Joaquin Valley, in Tulare and Kings counties.
Plan Contents
The Kaweah RCIS is currently under development. As the plan is written, summaries of the chapters will be included here.
1) Introduction
Includes: background, purpose of, and need for this RCIS; the planning process; the strategy term; the RCIS area; and the focal species selection process
2) Environmental Setting & Built Environment
Includes: current assessment of the built environment and natural resources in the RCIS area, pressures and stressors to focal species, and other conservation elements.
3) Conservation Strategy
Includes: Kaweah RCIS conservation goals, objectives, and priorities; actions and enhancements; and focal species and other conservation elements.
4) Implementation
Includes: how the Kaweah RCIS will be implemented, including required tasks to create mitigation credit agreements and potential uses of this RCIS
5) References and Appendices
Includes: Preparers and reviewers, glossary, letter of support, public outreach, evaluation of species for inclusion as focal species, focal species profiles, and non-focal species summaries
For more information or to get involved, please contact us.